Hey all!
Hope you have enjoyed your bank holiday weekend! I have been very stressed this weekend due to a hair disaster. I decided that i would like lilac hair as it looks amazing and me being me, i wanted it to happen instantly so on saturday after i had my hair cut i went into town and brought some bleach, white toner and lilac hair dye. I have very dark brown hair so i knew that my hair was going to get damaged as i needed it to be pale yellow to get the toner to make it go white, my friend put the bleach on my hair and it went patchy orange/yellow/white. We tried bleaching over the orange bits some more and then put some toner on and mixed some more with lilac but my hair was still yellow with lilac and white strands and lilac roots. I was not prepared to bleach my hair anymore and decided to wait until the morning to see the damage in daylight. I wont lie, i was distraught that this did not go the way i planned and went crying to the boyfriend ( seems over dramatic i know!)The next morning i went to sallys to see if they had some products or toners that would help, the lady who helped said that if i still wanted to go lighter that i would have to go to the hairdressers, i looked ridiculous and i just wanted to get my hair back to a normal colour again at this point. I looked through a colour chart with her and decided on a auburn colour and got the stuff and went home to start the dying all over again. I started to feel better knowing that my hair would be a nice colour again but after i washed the dye off and looked at my hair, it was bright orange! this lead to me bursting into tears again and having a major freak out as i had bright orange hair that was dry and damaged. My last resort was to go to sainsburys and buy the darkest brown i could and just attempt to get it all covered! thankfully this worked and other than a few patches the orange had gone! All this trouble has lead to me agreeing with the boyfriend that i will leave my brown and do not do any drastic colour changes unless they are done at the hair dressers.
I strongly advise anyone who is thinking of drastically changing hair colour to go to the hairdressers, even if its just for some advise!

The weekend was not all bad though. i have now got my geek on and got some glasses, had no idea how many different types of frames there are and went for something different for once and i also have another pair on order! as i was in town, i could not help myself from going into a couple of shops and brought a new dress and top. I saw the top in a shop window and i have noticed that this type of top is in this year and it would look great with my leather waist coat! The dress i just thought was adorable! with the peter pan collar which at first i wasn't sure would suit me but i am willing to try something new.

Sunday i decided to lay in bed all day after sulking about my hair and make some jewellery, i had seen alot on pintrest about using buttons but i could not find any spare buttons anywhere until i went to look for some thread and found a tin box full. I had hit the jackpot so made some earings and some rings!(see pictures bellow) Anyone can do this with any spare buttons, specially with ones that you know you have had for years and will never use again on clothing.

Today i have been recovering from a night out with my friend which meant we waiting an hour and a half for a taxi so i was very tired all day and all i have done is became a coach potato. Back to work tomorrow so better get some sleep! Hope you are all looking forward to it as much as i am......
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